Second and Fourth Monday of Every Month
The Library Club is an after school club hosted during IA in the library on the third Monday of every month. Members meet after school for about on the second and fourth Mondays of each month to assist Ms. Regitano with all things library, including book selection and promotion, creating displays, and planning and fundraising for library programming and events. In addition to these meetings, other meetings can be planned at the club's discretion.
Club members may choose to apply to be an executive board member or liaison to another club. More details can be found below!
24-25 Meeting Dates
September Meeting Dates
Monday 09.23
Informational Meeting
Monday 09.30
Kick-Off Meeting & Elections
December Meeting Dates
Monday 12.09
Planning January Displays & Events
Friday 12.13
Hot Cocoa Movie Night
Monday 12.16
Preparing January Displays
March Meeting Dates
Monday 03.10
Planning April Displays
Monday 03.24
Putting Up April Displays
June Meeting Dates
Monday 06.02
Rain Date: Monday 06/09
End of the Year Ice Cream/Frozen Treat Party in Courtyard
October Meeting Dates
Tuesday 10.15
Planning November Displays & Events
Monday 10.28
Putting Up November Displays
January Meeting Dates
Monday 01.13
Planning February Displays & Events
Monday 01.27
Putting Up February Displays
April Meeting Dates
Monday 04.07
Planning May Displays & Events
Monday 04.28
Putting Up May Displays
November Meeting Dates
Monday 11.25
Planning & Putting Up December Displays & Events
February Meeting Dates
Monday 2.10
Planning March Displays & Events
Monday 02.24
Putting Up March Displays
May Meeting Dates
Monday 05.12
Sharing Ideas for 2025-2026 School Year
Put Your Name on the Ballot for an Executive Board or Liaison Position
All students are welcome to attend Library Club meetings and participate in the club.
However, there are only 5 elected executive board positions:
Marketing, Advertising, & Display Chair
Book Selection & Book Talk Chair
In addition to the executive board members, there are 4 elected liaison positions:
Student Council Liaison
Drama Club Liaison
Music Department Liaison
Character Education Liaison
All club members must be in good academic standing,
and those in board and liaison positions must be elected by other club members.
Please contact Ms. Regitano if you have any questions!
President: Grace Sullivan
Secretary: Kayleigh King
Treasurer: Rabia Isimbi
Marketing, Advertising, & Display Chair: Isabella Destito
Book Selection & Book Talk Chair: Rosie Abedrabbah
Student Senate Liaison: TBD
Drama Club Liaison: Isabella Destito
Music Department Liaison: Nada Abedrabbah
Character Education Club Liaison: Anna Hodkinson​